Niccolo Machiavelli once said, “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” Change can often seem intimidating and challenging but it does not have to be. Keep reading to find out what Change Management is and why it is important, key fundamentals of effective change, and the top reasons that change fails.
Change Management is a disciplined methodology for managing change that draws on theories from psychology, behavioral science, and decades of research. Change Management dictates how we plan, train, and support people through the successful adoption of change. The science of change has proven that there are actions we, as Change Leaders, can take to impact the attitudes of individuals to support your organization’s journey from current state to future state.
There are several methodologies for Change Management but there are 5 key fundamentals that are universal.
Effective Change Management depends on 5 fundamentals:
Understanding Change
Planning Change
Implementing Change
Communicating Change
Supporting Change
While Change Management methodologies highlight the actions needed to deploy change, change is complex, and knowing the pitfalls to avoid can be just as important to avoid when developing a Change Management Plan.
Top Reasons Change fails:
Making change optional– Change can not be suggested but unavoidable and important. If change is optional employees will not value your reasons for change.
No Buy-in from stakeholders and people affected by the change– Leadership is an important tool in projecting confidence in your change. It is important to identify key leaders and people affected most by the change to serve as your “Change Champions.”
Poor Communication- To sustain engagement in your change process you must communicate often and clearly. Regularly remind your employees of the benefits of your change. You do not want your impacted employees to become disinterested, or worse, resistant to your change.